Specialist knowledge and a depth of experience in sports injuries

Trauma, Overuse, Biomechanics, Pre-Season Screening

Sports make specific demands on the body, and regardless of preparation the athlete is susceptible to injury. Our Chartered Physiotherapists have specialist knowledge and a depth of experience in sports injuries: assessment, diagnosis, treatment, prehabilitation and rehabilitation. Along with attention to whole body biomechanics, training, technique, surface and footwear, we manage injury to enable earliest return to sport and avoidance of injury in the future.

Our Treatment Plans

We will ask you about the history of the injury and will make a detailed physical assessment to enable accurate diagnosis. Treatment techniques may include joint mobilisation, tissue release, taping and support, dry needling for trigger points and tight connective tissue, ultrasound, biomechanic correction, individually prescribed exercise and sports-specific advice.

As needed, we will liaise with your doctor, hospital, consultant or coach. Whether at competitive or recreational level, we offer athletes expert treatment and advice.

sports injuries physiotherapy services dublin


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